The Norfolk Ancestor : Guests' Page
- Formerly as the Norfolk & Norwich Genealogical Society (NNGS) a Journal was issued in 1972, renamed to The Norfolk Ancestor in 1977 it remains the quarterly journal of the Norfolk Family History Society (NFHS).
- Originally it included a mixture of articles about personal family history research; Norfolk villages; various documents; members enquiries, etc.
- This theme has continued and expanded as the present magazine also contains a large section of information about The Society and its activities including - letters, meetings and events, book reviews, new member's names and their interests, requests for and offers of assistance with family history research and much more.
March 2019 |
June 2019 |
September 2019 |
December 2019 |
March 2018 |
June 2018 |
September 2018 |
December 2018 |

The Norfolk Ancestor is published quarterly in March, June, September and December and is free to members.
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Submitting Contributions for the Norfolk Ancestor: |
Articles should be forwarded to The Editor, Norfolk Ancestor, either at Kirby Hall address or by e-mail to |
Contributors may wish to include their telephone number with their submission so that they may be telephoned to clarify any questions arising. |
The Editor is always ready to offer advice about presentation and content. Why not submit something and possibly see your work in print? |
The copy dates for submission of articles for inclusion in the next Ancestor (providing space is available) are normally the 20th of January, April, July and October or as published in the latest Ancestor. |