Norfolk Family
History Society

Family Pedigrees

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Family Pedigrees are distinct from Family Trees as they often contain a written account of an Ancestral or Family line, describing an ancestor's origin in addition to the usual family tree showing the descent to individual branches of a family from a common root ancestor. They can also put the family line into historical context of the time.

Some of the Pedigrees listed here have been extracted from printed books and files, etc. held by the Society, including our own Genealogy Series (published under the Society's former name, the Norfolk & Norwich Genealogical Society). Others are Pedigrees which people have kindly donated to the Society, in the same way as Family Trees have been submitted.

Please note that these Pedigrees are available to view only at Kirby Hall and not online. 

Last update : 2024-03-10 12:18:58

Family Pedigree Shelves at Kirby Hall Library
Family Pedigree shelves in the library